HKSS YOG boys with Mr Ng.
Well done boys.
We're really proud of your achievement.
Now it's time to catch up with your school work.

HKSS YOG boys with Mr Razak and Mr Ng.

HKSS YOG boys with B div Soccer master Mr Razak.

HKSS Soccer club welcomes our YOG boys back in full force.

This HKSS girl likes the YOG medal.

Firdaus with his biggest fan.

Firdaus with 5 fans...

Firdaus with 3 fans.

HKSS 2009 captain & vice captain with 2010 captain & vice captain.

HKSS keepers gathering.

Farhan was very happy to see Hamzah back.
He likes the YOG bronze medal.

HKSS Soccer club members celebrates the success of the YOG.

HKSS YOG boys in front of the general office.

3 YOG boys with Hafizah and Arvin.
They are Firdaus's classmates.

HKSS security uncle is one of our most loyal fan.
He's always following the ups and downs of our YOG boys.

Mrs Tan is extremely proud of our YOG boys' achievements.

Another shot ? No problem.

3 YOG boys with Mr Razak.

The bronze medal taste like gold.

3 YOG boys with HKSS principal Mrs Tan.

It feels good to be back home.

HKSS is like a family.
We always support each other.

3 YOG boys with well wishes cards signed by their C division teammates.

Will this photograph be published in the Straits Times tomorrow ?
Who cares about how many medals were won during the YOG.
HKSS has 3 players with YOG bronze medals.
Not many schools can make that claim.

Friends & teammates & teachers & principal were on stage to welcome our YOG boys.
HKSS is proud to have our 3 YOG boys back.

Ammirul is now more relaxed and smiled naturally.
He was quite nervous a few months ago.
He has now picked up a few tips handling reporter.
Principal Mrs Tan was pleased with his new found composure in front of a huge crowd.

Ammirul's speech was short and sweet.

Hamzah also spoke with confident too.
It was a huge difference from a few months ago.
Hamzah was shaking so much that the crowd could see too.
He was composed today.
Good job Hamzah.

Firdaus was the first to give his short thank you speech.
This time he is more matured and confident.

Hamzah with his YOG bronze medal.

Ammirul with his YOG bronze medal.

Firdaus at the back stage with his YOG bronze medal.

Ammirul-Firdaus- Hamzah
Back in HKSS finally.
This video was played before our 3 YOG boys
gave their thank you speech on teachers day celebration.
The whole school was watching it attentively.
They had seen most of the parts many times.
To have 3 boys in the YOG squad is a great honour for a neighbourhood school like HKSS.
2010 has been a memorable year for HKSS.