Thank you Coach Zai, Mr Hafidz and all the boys who took part.
May your friendship within the team blossom through this camp.
Now let's take a short break before we start preparing for the WZ semi-final.
Fareez and Aidil you did a good job instilling
the pride of being a Hong Kahlite for your baby brother.
It would be good memories for many years to come.
The WSA team.
Starting 11 against WSA team.
We're ready for the match coach !
No goal ref ?? That's not fair...
Iqram tackling Khidir from behind.
Hakim going for the 50-50 ball against coach Hafidz.
Jie Sheng and Khidir making it difficult for Syahmi to score.
Iqram going for the long pass.
Coach Zai making a through pass.
Coach Hafidz going for the challenge.
Iqram's team.
Khidir's team.
Zaki's team.
I'm going to catch you...
Now it's my turn...
Run for your life...
On your toes, monster coming...
Let me try the diving header too.
Diving header expert showing how it should be done.
Pushing ref ...
The header is mine.
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