Local breakfast at Wuhan.

HKSS completes the PE lesson and Rafly can't wait to show off his new knowledge.

Thank you Shifu.

A little higher this way.

You should punch higher.

You punch like this !

HKSS having impromtu PE lesson.
It was Kungfu lesson.

Zaki trying out one of the hands-on science equipment.

Hakim was mesmerised by the hands-on science displays in the science lab.

All pupils listened intently when Mr Yeo delivers his speech.

Tamash having lunch with pupils of PingYi Secondary School.
who were also there for exchange programme.

The students of Wuhan No.1 school bring HKSS around for the tour of school.

Mr Yeo with the principal of Wuhan No. 1 school.

Wuhan No. 1 school presented Mr Yeo with a huge and heavy sounevir.
We were all delighted and touched by their generosity.

Huge welcome banners with the name of Wuhan No.1 school and HKSS awaits us.
It says long live to our friendship.

The rain did not dampen the spirit of HKSS players.

Wuhan No. 1 school was ready to welcome HKSS for school visit.

Hairyl learning how to serve breakfast to his teammates.

Out of Wuhan train station onto another tour bus.

Muzakir leaving the train for more action in Wuhan.

We arrived in Wuhan safely by train.
It's the first time on a train ride experience for many HKSS players.
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