It was a successful team-bonding bbq.
Thank you for all the hard work in 2010.
We would celebrate again with a bbq if HKSS reaches a final in 2011.
It's probably the best Christmas present he'd ever had.
Dzulhimie celebrates his lucky draw in hip-hop style.
Muzakir with his fistpump.
Fadrus seemed excited about what he is going to receive.
Haiqal was very gentlemanly.
Shaqrie was delighted !
Raihan was beaming with his prize.
Aidil was more interested to take a photograph than to collect his lucky draw prize.
Hafiz was glad to lay his hands on his lucky draw prize.
Danial receiving his lucky draw with a smile.
Coach Zai with his lucky draw present.
Khairi was the first to get a lucky draw present.
Have some marshmellows guys.
More bbq chicken wings from Danial's mother.
One more pose like a model... before the security guard came and put the place in order.
We're having so much fun !
Shaqrie having a nice time undisturbed at the pool side.
HKSS boys knows how to have fun with water.
Where are the rest of the HKSS boys ???
You can imagine the amount of noise.
Bruce Lee wannabes.
HKSS boys posing like models.
We are the strongest.
HKSS water boys.
Hirzee the satay expert.
Haiqal and Fadrus helping to bbq the first batch of satay.
Dinner's ready.
Coach Zai with his 3 generals on the pitch.
Muzakir with Danial and Raihan.
Muzakir and Danial helping to make the dinner close to restaurant standard.
Aidil with his sunglasses at 7.45pm.
Danial was a happy host to all his friends for this bbq.
The fire got out of control.
Dzulhilmie is in charge of spreading the butter.
Next batch of chicken wings coming up.
Coach Zai was busy making sure all the food were cooked properly.
Khairi handles the charcoal while Haiqal just smile and look good.
Hirzee was very committed to serving his teammates.
What these boys don't realise is that this mental training session is meant for elite performance.
Let's hope in a few days time we could see some of them practice what they have learnt during training sessions.
Let's hope in a few days time we could see some of them practice what they have learnt during training sessions.
He did not let his small size stop him from dreaming big.
He dared to speak his mind with confident without fear.
He had guts.
He had guts.
His actions inspired his teammates.
Those who really listened could make some sense of what the trainer was trying to do for them.
It was a steep learning curve for many as they had took success in the past for granted.
It's very painful for many to actually sit down and
think through seriously what they had to do to prepare for a match.
Many took it seriously and tried their best to visualise what they had to do.
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