Coach Zai has done it again.
The standard for HKSS MUPC team B has imrpoved steadily over the years.
HKSS team B progress into the second round together with HKSS Team A.
HKSS Team B qualified for round 2 with 7 points from 3 games undefeated.
Team A & B will meet in the same group in round 2.
HKSS Team B will look forward to progressing beyond round 2 for 2011.

Fadrus kept score for all the HKSS matches and delivered some excellent photos.

Khairi had some injuries but he was very helpful.

Hairyl launching a long throw in.

Hareez enjoys taking the corners.

Danish had a wonderful debut in the MUPC squad.
He scored 2 goals and defended solidly.
His parents were delighted to see him score.

Syahmi winning the header.

Shah was very helpful.
He volunteered to help set up many stations.
He helped to make the tournament enjoyable for enveryone.

Haiqal Pashia making a quick inter-change of pass and getting into goal scoring position.

HKSS players challenging for the high ball.

Jie Sheng making a simple clearnance.

Sadiq taking the defence on.

Grouping for round 1 of MUPC 2011.

HKSS players keeping the ball well in the opponents penalty area.

Haiqal Pashia hunting down the ball early.

Sadiq asking for the ball.

Shaqrie having a mini juggling with the new lime green Nike ball.

Haiqal Pashia and Shaharul warming up.

Teamtalk time.

Players knew exactly what is expected of them by just looking at the tactical board.

Coach Zai giving players specific technical instructions before kick off.

Mr Ng playing more of a supportive role nowadays.

Jie Sheng captains the side in the absence of other senior players.

HKSS plays Woodlands Sec.

Customary handshake before kicking off.

Team B was very relaxed.

Syahmi taking time to get to know his new teammates.

Zul looks relaxed.

Farihin and his buddies Sadiq and Danish.

Hareez didn't mind being the only Sec 3 player in the squad.

Hands up !

Talents waiting to be unleashed.

The weather was perfect for MUPC.

Dynamic warming up.

Hong Kah Team B with Coach Zai.
16 players for Hong Kah B team.
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