So many motorcycles.
Raihan lead the C boys to victory a 2-0 despite playing with 10 men.
Ho Chi Minh District 8 U14 team came close to scoring twice but
our C boys managed to keep the 2 goals lead.
Good game. Thank you.
HKSS C boys was the more physical of the two team.
Ho Chi Minh District 8 U14 team just kept running and
their challenges were firm and fair.
Dzul giving Mukun some tips to calm his nerves.
Hairyl, Sadiq and James.
Dzul, Hirzee and Raihan.
Danish, Shah and Mukun .
Shaharul, Haiqal Pashia and Aidil.
Muhsin, Khairi and Ciko.
Raihan, Farihin and Adryan.
Haiqal, Muzakir and Daniel.
Hairyl is serious about doing well for the friendly game.
Hirzee is calm during the warm up.
Shah smiles less during warm up.
Muhsin and Shaharul feeling the heat.
Haiqal doing his usual warm up routine.
C boys warming up in the new bright yellow jersey.
Dinner at Halal@Saigon on the first day in Ho Chi Minh City.
Ho Chi Minh District 8 U14 team came close to scoring twice but
our C boys managed to keep the 2 goals lead.
HKSS C boys was the more physical of the two team.
Ho Chi Minh District 8 U14 team just kept running and
their challenges were firm and fair.
HKSS lead 3-0 at half time.
Alfian was a proud captain during the exchange of souvenir.
Captains shake hands with each other before kick off.
Followed by a friendly handshake.
Take a bow at the referee's instruction.
Dinner at Halal@Saigon on the first day in Ho Chi Minh City.
HKSS players enjoyed their dinner in this restaurant.
Yum Seng in a Vietnamese restaurant.
Khidir and Muzakir sending their greetings from Ho Chi Minh City.
Daniel sending his greeting from Ho Chi Minh City.
Mukun is so camera shy.
Sadiq sharing his experience in Ho Chi Minh City.
Haiqal does an interview on the street of Ho Chi Minh City.
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