Thursday, October 16, 2008

Lake Toba

Streetview of Parapat.
Volleyball competition organised by the mosque.
Sunset along streets of Parapat.
View of lake Toba outside of hotel.
Viedw of Lake Toba from the hotel. Wonderful view.
Heavy vehicles are a common sight. This road leads to other parts of North Sumatra.

Street of Parapat.
Even the petrol koisk looked good with the clouds surrounding it.
Heavenly view.
Private house that double up as a shophouse.
Shelter with traditional Northern Sumatra housing design on top.
A monument along the highway just before the entrance to Parapat Town.
Not sure what it represents.

Welcome to Parapat.
Entrance to Parapat Town.
Lake Toba from another angle.
A road sign along the highway towards Lake Toba.
We're getting closer to Lake Toba.
View of Lake Toba about 10 km away.
Narrow road.
Not sure if this is a school as there are many children seated outside.
It's definitely one of the higher and nicer looking building along the highway.
Private house of villagers. This house looks new and grand compared to other houses.
Pedi field along the highway.
A winding road that leads to Lake Toba.
Private houses for the villagers in Medan.
Shophouses on thye streets of Medan on a rainy day.
Another trishaw on the highway.
Mosque with a silver onion dome.
Mosque are build within 2 to 5 km apart from each other along certain stretch of the highway.
Trishaws are common daily mode of transport.
Unlike in Singapore, it's a novelty for tourist.
Heavy vehicles making turns into the ever busy traffic.
This truck is filled with what appeared to be palm seeds.
Onion shape domes galore.
It's such a common sight in Medan.
Truck with a puctured tyre on the highway.
This shop name reminds me of our keeper Rafly.
Vendor selling aeroplane on the road, literally.

The only photo at the swimming pool before the boat trip.

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